Website Planning: Why Are You Better than Your Competition?


One of my favorite questions we ask our clients when we are planning their new website is, “Why are you a better choice than your competitors?”

If I asked you this question right now, would you be able to answer?

If you can, that’s awesome! But If you can’t, let’s talk about why it’s important.

By asking our clients why they are a better choice, it provides our clients with an opportunity to think about their services or products and what they may be doing differently than their competitors. Most people often talk about what they do, what they sell, or how they do things, but rarely focus on the “why”. This is very important in helping businesses stand out, especially online when visitors are searching for a service or product.

You only have one chance to make a great first impression and this is why your website is often your weakest link in your online marketing efforts. The “why” should be front and center of all your marketing efforts.

Convincing visitors about a product or service is a tough job. Many people fail to understand a product’s value or how a solution will help them solve a specific problem. If you seem uncertain or don’t explain the value you’re offering, you’ll scare off potential prospects.

Building up a case for your business is an even more difficult challenge. For the customer, the difficulty in deciding stems from how much competition there is in the market and the complexity of the offering. We try to help prepare you for presenting your business online during our planning session.

Here’s an example.

So, what makes graphicten different from the many other web agencies out there that create websites or help you get found online? 

Why Choose Us

We help small business owners make more money by helping them better understand their business and improving their online presence.

Our Solutions

For starters, we provide solutions that are custom tailored to your business. We start by getting to know your business, what you offer, your target audience, and what struggles you may be having with your online presence and your goals. We then create a solution that fits your needs. Everyone’s business is different and cookie cutter solutions just don’t perform as well. 

We avoid using service providers that lock you into a specific ecosystem like wix or squarespace. With these types of services you never truly own your website and creating custom solutions for some business needs may not be possible. 

User experience is key to having a successful website. When building websites, we focus on creating sites that follow best practices, are optimized for speed and search engines, look great, and are functional. We build your website with your target audience in mind to ensure you’re attracting the right audience and providing the information they are looking for. We focus on providing your visitors with call to actions to lead them down easy to navigate paths to generate leads, capture data, provide additional resources, and make sales.

Our Background

We’ve been working with small businesses and collaborating with other agencies across the globe to help generate success for our clients. We have experience with understanding what works and what doesn’t.

We have an extensive background in software and web development. We can create custom solutions for your unique goals. We are not tied down to specific solutions or off-the-shelf software to help your business succeed online. Our development background also helps us create websites that load fast, function properly, and keep your site secure. 

Our Process

We’ve broken our process down into 3 phases; plan, create, and launch. While this is a very simplistic overview of our process, we spent a lot of time refining our process to get the best results from each project. This foundation allows us to innovate efficiently and effectively.

Learn more about our web design services and process.


Leading with the “why” graphicten is the best choice entices prospects to want to learn more. We then follow up with the what and how to provide more in-depth information into how our solutions are unique. This is what people are looking for when they come to your website.

Your website should be optimized for what your customers are looking for.

Lead with your strongest message and people will take action to learn more about your products or services.

Are you ready to create something awesome? We are!

If you want to learn more about how we can help your small business succeed online, Let’s Talk!

Let's Create Something Awesome!